Oct 24, 2008

It's Really Cold

I don't know. There's just something 'about' winter. I love it! But I DON'T like turning the furnace on. I don't like how loud it is. I don't like how it dries everybody up. How 'long' can I bundle the kids up in several layers... I'm always contemplating within myself how 'long' I can go without that darn furnace. "Do you think we could make it to November 15th? The 30th? Christmas?" Plus, there's the financial/environmental cost...when really, just some thick socks and a sweatshirt could gain us a few extra days without having to heat.

Yesterday was great! It was cold, but I hung a curtain in the hallway between the living space (kitchen and family room) and the rest of the house. The space heater took the chill off and the food dehydrator was loud, but what could be better than drying tomatoes and warming up the room all at the same time?! By the time my friends came over for The First Annual Seed Swap, it was comfortable. Later, I roasted 3 pumpkins and 1 butternut squash. By then, it was luxuriously warm! And the butternut squash soup that resulted was a smashing success. (Thanks K for your help!)

So, Bubby's Playdough may be frozen, but we're having a good time.

Garden news: I learned my lesson! CHECK THE WEATHER BEFORE YOU GO TO BED, TOMATO GROWERS! All my tomatoes were green orbs of frozen tomato-ness yesterday morning. So I promptly picked 40 green roundies and sliced and dried 'em. Any ideas for how to use these babies? Luckily, I had picked all the more reddish ones the day before - thanks to my Mom's prompting. Thanks, Mom.

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