Jul 7, 2005

Is that bad?

If you're sitting in your house and you look down and your limbs are actually melting off, I mean, literally melting away, is that bad?!

Yah, it's been hot here in ABQ. Hot-hot. Dry hot, but still, hot.

Today our neighbors were having their roof redone. It's a flat roof...for those of you not accustomed to flat roofs, this means TAR. Smelly. Tar. Black sticky smelly TAR.

I wondered if TAR fumes can go to your head. I didn't feel good today and I kept checking on the little Bubby while he was taking his naps to make sure he wasn't being adversely affected either. I tried to get our carbon monoxide detector (thanks mom) set up again as Brian took it apart several weeks ago only to find out that the smoke detector was what was actually beeping. The CO detector kept reading 247 (which I think is bad) so I just took the batteries back out. Hmm. It's supposed to detect CO but then when it does I just take out the batteries? Strange.

I think we're fine. No CO poisoning. No TAR poisoning. But still, there is the issue of my limbs melting off.


  1. Dag yo. maybe it will help if you wear a...oh, I don't know. I don't like summer. Nothing creative.

  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Are you saying that i need to hook up the other swamp cooler?
    your hubby
